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A nonrefundable fee of $25 per family is due at the time of registration. 


Tuition is $45 per month. One month = four hours of instruction. Not all classes in a tuition month will fall in the same calendar month. For example, some calendar months have five class days. Tuition is due the first class of each calendar month.


First and second year students will select patterns from a recommended pattern list appropriate for their skill level. Advanced students can select from any commercial patterns with guidance as needed to select appropriate patterns that will teach desired skills.


Students provide fabric, thread and notions for each project. 




Registration is for a full year of classes (September-April). Attendance is expected at all classes. Tuition is not prorated for missed classes. When absences are unavoidable, please give at least 24 hours notice and a make up time will be arranged if possible. Advanced notice allows other students to make up classes in your child's spot. One Saturday make-up session will be offered each semester, December and April.




Remind, a messaging tool designed for teachers, will be used to communicate with individual students and classes. Class schedules, weather related cancellations and general information will be communicated through Remind.


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